Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.
Scouting is Family Oriented
- Activities are intended for the whole family.
- You work with your scout on their various activities, achievements and award requirements.
Your Scout is a member of a Cub Scout Den
- The Den meets two or three times a month.
- The Den is led by a Den Leader (parent volunteer).
- The Den Leader is usually assisted by an Assistant Den Leader (parent volunteer).
- The Den Chief is an older Scout from a local Troop who mentors the Den, and supports the Den Leader at meetings.
- Den meetings have games, crafts, songs, ceremonies and lots of fun. Most of all Den meetings are geared toward learning a new core value each month.
Your Scout is a member of the Cub Scout Pack
- The Pack consists of all the Dens and other Leaders. The Pack meets once a month – all Cub Scout families are invited and encouraged to attend.
- The Cubmaster leads the monthly Pack meeting.
- Pack meetings have games, skits, stunts, songs, ceremonies and presentations of awards that the Scouts have earned that month.
The Pack is run by a Pack Committee (Group of Parent Volunteers)
The Committee is made up of a Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Treasurer, Cubmaster, Advancement Chair and many other positions. Most of these leaders are parents of Scouts in the pack. All leaders and interested parents are encouraged to attend.
- The Committee meets once a month.
- The Committee plans den and pack meetings around the monthly theme (core value).
- The Committee selects leaders, performs record keeping, manages pack finances, orders awards, maintains pack equipment, and helps train leaders.
Cub Scout Pack 750 is chartered by the Jeffery Elementary PTO
- The Chartered Organization approves leaders, provides a meeting place, and operates the pack within the guidelines and policies of the chartered organization and the Boy Scouts of America.
- The Chartered Organization selects a Chartered Organization Representative who serves as a liaison between the Pack and the Organization. The Chartered Organization appoints and approves of the adult leadership group that leads the pack.
Beyond the Cub Scout Pack
Three Harbors Council
Our council is Three Harbors Council. To effectively support local Scouting programs the national Boy Scouts of America provides a charter to a community board of volunteers to be responsible for providing the Scouting program to a defined geographical area. These geographical areas are called councils. Councils have a volunteer board which employs a Scout Executive to serve as the CEO and give leadership to the day to day operation. The Scout Executive hires staff to provide direct and indirect support to local Scouting programs. In each council there are many more volunteers than staff as the organization is volunteer lead and professionally guided.
Red Arrow District
Our district is part of the newly formed Red Arrow District. To provide more localized support to scouting, councils create districts. Districts are geographical areas of service. Districts have a volunteer District Committee that provides support to local programs in the areas of membership, finance, and program. Another group of volunteers called commissioners provide direct service to Scouting programs.
National Organization
The Scouts BSA is the national organization that develops and supports various youth programs. It provides charters to communities to operate a council. The national organization provides service to local councils and develops Scouting programs and establishes rules and regulations.