Our Pack’s Pinewood Derby is coming up this weekend. Here is a rundown of the important information you’ll want ahead of time.
Official Rules (Disregard the dates on this sheet. That is for the District Event in April)
We can start setting up at 10:00 Saturday Morning (March 18), with weigh-in starting at 10:45. We could use 4 or 5 adults to lend a hand with the setup and weigh-in inspections. The more the merrier… and the quicker the lines will go. If it’s all smooth sailing, we intend to release the first heat at 11:45!
Bring a few dollars and plenty of gratitude for the Gaudio, Young, and Radewan families for spearheading the concession stand this year! Without them we’d all be brown-bagging the race. THANK YOU!!
Our half-time activities will include presenting rank awards to all our new Bobcats, and our annual Friends of Scouting appeal presentation.
We will present trophies at the conclusion of the race. Extra-big thank you to Mr. Tawwater for building them again this year, and to the Lakeview Crew for engraving them!
Raceday Guidelines:
First: this is a FUN activity. It is a competition loaded with the thrill of victory and its cousin, the agony of defeat. Scouts take their cues from those around them. Find a reason to get excited about every race, even if it is as simple as clearly having the best-looking car in the field.
Second: Graphite is forever on a school floor. If you want to blow more graphite on your Scout’s car before they check in, please do it outside in the parking lot. PLEASE, NO GRAPHITE APPLICATION IN THE SCHOOL.
Third: I will have a limited tool crib available outside, should you need to make any last-minute adjustments to pass inspection. If you think you may need something in particular, please pack it with you, and share your talents with someone who needs it.
Fourth: The compassionate Cub Scout rule is in effect. Every once in a while, a car will have a catastrophic failure. We all know what that feels like, and we will do our best to get that car back to racing shape for the next round. This does not include minor tweaks and adjustments. It’s something like losing a wheel or other actual failure.
If your Scout needs a hand building his or her car, please reach out to your Den Leader or the Cubmaster and we’ll get it done (there is still plenty of time). We want everyone to have great memories of the fun that is Pinewood Derby.